Saturday, January 10, 2009


today was a wonderful day and it still isn't over! i just love saturdays. i am able to be at home and do the things that the week doesn't allow. i.e. sleep in, eat pancakes, toot around, fix things around the house, browse the mall, print pictures, and watch the office. i mean what more could a gal ask for?
my dear husband worked all day on a curio that is from the 1800's (not really but i am pretending it is) he is refinishing and painting it for our dining room. once we finish the dining room we only have the guest room, the laundry room, and the sun porch to finish. i am loooooving the dining room- i wanted a very romantic feel and friends, that is what we are getting!! my fav piece is our ikeaian chandiler--->

tonight we are going to an art show that our church is putting on and my sis has artwork that she submitted! i am supa excited for her and we are all going to support her swollen cheeks- she had wisdom tooth surgery. ouch. and then we are going to eat dessert somewhere yummy!

also, my new obsession and life savior kraft recipes. it is really easy to use and they have healthy, light and yummy dinners. i have already made 2 this past week- didn't have to buy anything extra, used the ingreds that i already had! and jus loved, as prison mike would say, bot! i am going to make a souperchilli for the week that will be supa healthy and we can eat all week, including lunch!

1 comment:

sweatybride said...

that chandeleir is blingin! i can't wait to see the whole package. you guys done good.