Friday, November 28, 2008

a very long but short week

this is the first night that we have had internet in our new house since we've moved in- and the saddest part... we actually have to pay for it. no more moochen off of our condo neighbors who forgot to put a password on their linksys account. wahh.

i have had a very eventful past several days... i love being productive and that's what i feel i have been doing because i have been non-stop.

in order to work at ncs i have to be certified by acsi and that requires me to go to a "how to teach in a christian skewl conference" I am all for that so i was supa excited to go and i got to room with my galpal, rach. overall the weekend was great. on monday i learned a lot of great things... basically love my students as Christ loved us and to find their strengths that the Lord gave them and use them to their fullest... which is hard to do!! but i will try my hardest. on tuesday, i learned that the fall of man happened in the 1960's. boo. not so informative! i welly missed my love while i was gone. waking up in the morning and not having him there was dreadful and unsettling. i never want him not to be by my side when the Lord rises me up in the morning.

wed, we slept in and then went shooopping! all goodies for his side of the fam. we wanted to get our brother and sister in law- who just had a baby, a beaba babycook but it just wasnt happening moneywise, so we just got them the an awesome babyfood cookbook! and from wed to now we have been on family overload. but it has been fun and good. you learn to love people as they are and to have lots of patience. i truly am so blessed to have justin's fam in my life... they are so good to me.

i am really tired. i need to go to the gym. i have been out of commission for awhile because of the move and everything, and i think a break is what i needed because now i have so many great ideas about my workout and i'm really excited to jump back into it again. i have a good tummy but my goal,by dec 27 is to have really hard abs and major definition in my tummy. i also want to be able to run for 25 mins- non stop. i know i can do it, i just get bored... so i will have to remedy that some how. i ate alot this week. this paragraph is flowing from my subconscious, so that's my cue to go to bed.

i promise to be good about writing. i am going to remind my sis to read about my life. my bff is, which is helpful.
goodnite. xo

Thursday, November 20, 2008

welcome back, welcome home

so like always, my bff reminds me of things that i need to do/like to do/want to do- here i am 10 months after i last posted but this is a perfect time to jump back into writing my thoughts into a world that doesn't care.

ok... so i tried to post a pic of our new house and couldn't find it online anymore, so i googled homes to put a sweet lil pic of a cute home and unfortunately, this showed up:---> yowziers

my dream is coming true. i have always wanted a house of my own that i could make perfect and wonderful for my husband. we are moving in 2 days. i think it has not hit me... i dont understand why and i don't understand when it will hit me. I'm not nervous or anything because i have such faith in the Lord that this house is from Him- yay!

i'm tired. i need a break. my little babies are running me dry... and i feel like thanksgiving break will not be a break because i will have to be super cute and awesome for justin's fam. uh i'm not going to think about it right now- i'm getting a head ache.
wowziers i'm a downer right now!!!

I really do love life!!!!